Join DBS in a series of free events created to let you know more about BDS, regulated activity and relevant conduct and risk definitions.

The DBS has been running a successful and well received programme of free events to let you know about making safeguarding referrals to the DBS, targeted to those who have a responsibility for removing individuals from regulated activity posts where harm has, or may, occur. Feedback has shown that delegates have a better understanding of legislative requirements after attending an event.

An event will last about three hours, allowing for questions and the opportunity to comment. Topics covered include:

  • Background to the DBS and legislative changes
  • The statutory functions of the DBS
  • Referral responsibilities and guidance
  • Regulated activity, relevant conduct and risk of harm definitions
  • The DBS barring decision making processes and considerations

If you would like to attend an event, the next three are at Bradford, Nottingham and Durham. To book, please visit the DBS website.